If you are a blogger or a person like me who writes for the web, you’d know how difficult it can get to write a compelling call to action button. Because how compelling the call-to-action button is would determine the ROI on any written piece of content, content creators tend to invest a lot of time crafting that perfect Call to Action button.
As a writer I’d say my purpose for writing any article is to make sure that my readers go into that final stage and complete a desired action. It can be anything from login, sign up or pay a visit to my target website.
This article will discuss in detail the key to writing a compelling call to action button & on the need for having one.
What does a CTA really mean?
A call-to-action button is an array of words that tell your audience about the next step you want you readers to take. As said, this next step can be anything from subscribing to your blogs, newsletters, or visiting an external website.
While this might seem to be an easy feat to achieve, it is not. Unless your readers feel your CTA to be natural and organic, they are going to be skeptical about the deviation often leading to a poor conversion.
What makes them so important in marketing?
Imagine two scenarios: one, where you have an amazing article that brings in a lot of traffic and another one that brings in an average number of visits with an effective CTA. In the first case, people come, read and take advantage of your content, praise your content quality and leave.
Whereas, in the second, your article has a target external link that brings you some business along. Your reader doesn’t have to spend that additional time and effort to find a seller and make that purchase. Don’t tell me that you are that person who only needs appreciation from your readers!
What are the advantages of having a strong CTA?
A strong customer base: By directing your audience to the target website you are indirectly building brand awareness. You are educating your readers about that company and the products they sell.
Complete a sale: CTA takes the reader through a sale and makes sure your reader completes the sale. A better rate of conversion is what CTA can bring in.
In the case of Google ads, your idea is to bring in sales for the product you promote. If you’ve noticed, Google has that CTA button attached to every mobile advertisement running. In case your ads have a mobile number attached to it, a potential customer while tapping on the link to call, you are at their reach directly. That’s how capable a CTA can be.
Lead generation: Suppose you have managed to create a general interest to your audience about the company. But that interest should be kept on. They should be kept in that loop as they will be the future customers of your new products.
A competent CTA will ask the reader to make that free subscription to your offers and promotions whether it be on social media or on email.
Channelize users to your website: CTA brings those unique visitors to your website or purchase link. Once he is at your counter, you know what to do next.
Now that you know the advantages of having a good CTA, let us now see how you can write a compelling CTA
Some Examples of Compelling CTA Buttons

If you look at the CTA button “Take This Course” Udemy has used, you will notice that the message is clear and compelling at the same time.

Why do you need a lengthy copy or a one paragraph writeup, when “Join Free for a Month” can clearly convey what you want your readers to do next?

Prezi is a presentation software that’s often used as an alternative to Microsoft’s powerpoint. Because Prezi doesn’t have a strong market presence like the powerpoint, they’ve used the CTA “ Give Prezi a Try”. Can you think of a simpler yet compelling CTA other than this?

Imagine if Uber had placed the CTA button as just “Sign Up” without the caption “Start riding with Uber”, do you think they’d have got as many sign ups as they get now?
How to write a compelling CTA?
1. Command your users
Don’t get me wrong, but the key to developing a compelling CTA is to ensure that your CTA actually looks commanding. Using bold and strong words could make a ton of a difference. Make sure you don’t blabber. All words have to be crisp and clear. Start with a word that is imperative in action. Those authoritative words will grant you an upper hand.
2. Play with emotions
Use words that evoke emotions of your readers. If you win here, you win the sale.
For example, if you were to offer discounts to your users, include the offer percentage or potential savings on their CTA. That will make them eager to click on the ad. Make sure you ignite enough thirst so that they can’t resist the bait.
3. Highlight the reason
Your words should convince why your audience shouldn’t resist the offer you are providing now. The reason should catch the eyes of your users. It’s your persuasive skills that’s on test here. You shouldn’t elaborate the context beyond 30 words on a general note.
4. Fear of missing out factor
The fear of missing out on a deal will invoke an urgency in the minds of the users. Be sure you don’t over commit on your offers. It shouldn’t make a negative impression on your product and brand awareness. It shouldn’t convey that you are selling something of inferior quality.
5. Creativity matters
Don’t be afraid to add a pinch of creativity to the context. But it should be simple in its language and convey the message well and good.
It will take a lot more trial and error to arrive at a perfect CTA. You are free to edit as many times as possible.
6. Include numeric
Including numbers to your CTA is a controversial topic. Some advise against it and some support it outright. We’d say it entirely depends on your audience and their perspective. Ideally you should try it once and see if it makes any damage on your graphs. If it aids your growth, you can take that for granted and keep that digit in your CTA.
To Sum Up
A good call to action will always bring that extra traffic to your website and crafting a compelling CTA is an art that’s going to take a lot of time. But it is worth taking all the effort to craft a compelling CTA.