What is Addressable TV Advertising

Using Addressable TV Advertising to reach a diverse audience

Addressable TV Advertising is so new, no wonder many marketers are just hearing about it and its many benefits. In this article, we will explore what
Addressable Advertising is, how it works and how it can take your marketing campaign to the next level.

Gone are the days when watching television involved weekly family gatherings around a cable or broadcast network’s most popular show. With the proliferation of smartphones and other mobile devices, people can access a vast amount of content on-the-go, and are less inclined to sit in front of a large screen to watch their preferred program. The ability to watch anytime and anywhere has eliminated the need for appointment-based viewing.

Introducing Addressable TV Advertising! This method of advertising gave marketers the ability to show different ads to different households during the same program.

Addressable TV Advertising

Additionally, what is really interesting about current marketing trends is that the evolving social lifestyles have pushed the limits of technology even further, making many previous achievements somewhat obsolete. This is the case with traditional TV advertising methods and the emergence of Addressable TV Advertising.

Why is Addressable Advertising important?

Addressable TV advertising AKA targeted Advertising is an advertising method directed toward an audience with certain traits based on the product or service the advertiser is promoting. It combines data-driven strategies and campaign objectives with a profound understanding of customer needs to deliver a tailor-made experience. 

Using Addressable TV Advertising to reach a diverse audience

Furthermore, audiences have different needs, interests, styles, beliefs, etc which is why there are so many TV networks. It’s impossible to create an ad that satisfies everyone, and there’s no need to. Only a small percentage of people actually want what’s being offered, so it’s more cost-effective to target that group instead of using a generic message for everyone.

Addressable marketing isn’t just for TV anymore. It’s gone digital! You can find it on all sorts of platforms like social media, OTT (Over the Top) content providers, and even smart TVs. It’s like addressable marketing is taking over the world!

To personalize your business promotion, you can use various measures and criteria, but usually, geographic, demographic, behavioral, and self-selected data make up the bulk of your audience. However, what’s the purpose of addressable advertising beyond restricting your reach? Let’s find out…

How Does Addressable Advertising Work?

Addressable or targeted advertising can be as simple as targeting viewers in a specific geographical region or  it can be a highly complicated, multidimensional, and intricate process. It all depends on the objectives and expectations and the product itself. Nevertheless, there are a few steps that most targeted advertising plans have in common such as gathering data and building the bridge.

Gathering Credible Audience Data Is Critical

The key to successful targeting is having reliable information, starting with an advertiser’s PII database that includes any data that could identify an individual.

You can establish a baseline using the CRM of current and potential customers. Sorting the raw data based on demographic, behavioral, and transactional information allows for creating personalized messaging for diverse audience segments. All categorizations must be product-relevant.

Build The Bridge

Good communication is a bridge between clarity and confusion. Some may find it hard to believe, but that’s what all marketing is about. Communication comes before persuasion or manipulation or anything else. Efficient communication can facilitate one-to-one conversations. However, marketers must first have direct access to consumers for that to happen.  

Finding ways to achieve this access was challenging before the rise of addressable digital media opportunities. Why? Because the only way to have an ongoing conversation with consumers was through channels such as email, direct mail, or phone calls. That’s not the case anymore.

Today, many online advertising platforms—such as Facebook—have access to consumer PII and engage with users across multiple devices, enabling them to customize their communication across devices for different purposes. They’ll know how often a user logs in on their computer, mobile phone, or tablet and how long they spend on their device. 

Linking this data with outside CRMs creates a golden opportunity to identify and resolve a user’s identity. A holistic promotion approach that integrates such information allows marketers to reach high-value targets with relevant messaging.

What Are the Benefits Of Addressable Advertising?

Regardless of the specific methods in play or the type of the medium, addressable media advertising creates a host of benefits for consumers and marketing departments alike. When you know who a prospect or customer is and where they are, you can serve them with an improved customer experience.

To some degree, the standard expectation we all share is seeing advertisements meant for mass audiences: billboards, television programming slots, and even online ads. Going against the flow is risky and challenging, no doubt about it. But imagine when you see ads for products you actually want and need. That’s what makes it worth the effort. The advertising experience becomes much more satisfying, leading to positive associations, improved brand loyalty, and boosted performance across channels. 

And that’s not all! Here are another 5 benefits of addressable advertising:

  1. Paying for Preferred Audience
  2. Cross-Channel Coordination
  3. Measurability
  4. Test Responses
  5. Take charge of delivering your message

1- Paying For Preferred Audience & Nothing Else

With a traditional advertising method, you pay for programs, channels, or platforms an audience ‘might’ be watching. That’s not the odds you’d want for a guaranteed and successful business promotion campaign. In targeted advertising and addressability-based solutions, you’re paying to be in the same room with your future customers (so to speak).


2- Cross-Channel Coordination

In traditional marketing, different teams worked separately without sharing their experiences and information. This made it costly and inefficient. However, with targeted advertising, businesses focus on a few key ideas and spread their resources across different models. This makes it easier to track how effective their ads are on different platforms and create messages that work well on specific devices. This helps businesses engage more effectively with their customers.

3- Measurability with Addressable Advertising

Google Analytics and other tools effectively answered an important question in the ad industry: how effective has each strategy been in different settings? Viewer interactions data and traffic volume quantify the efficiency of your business. Therefore, no need for guesses and speculation.


4- Test Responses & Adjustments

Traditional advertising had a tough time adapting to market trends. The medium itself didn’t allow too much improvisation and innovative thinking. They were often several predetermined agendas, and very rarely could you find instances of genius and exceptional work. However, addressable advertising is a whole new story.

In fact, most of its methods, attribution models, and interaction strategies are so new that they haven’t found the time to reveal their full potential. But, one thing’s for sure; designing strategies with high flexibility is an absolute necessity in such a market (growing at breakneck speed). 

5- Take Charge Of Delivering Your Message

Representing a company or product isn’t easy, especially in public, where there are random questions, irrelevant comments, lack of information, you name it. As a result, many things can go wrong, thus hurting the brand image. And at the end of the day, no one can tell your story better than you. So, don’t leave anything to chance. Hire some experts and start spreading your message the proper way. 

Bottom Line on Addressable Advertising

Don’t let confusion or technical jargon stand in the way of your advertising success. Our team has the experience and know-how to navigate the complexities of addressable and targeted advertising. Therefore, let us guide you to success with our proven strategy, professional expertise, and compassionate teamwork. Don’t wait any longer, take the first step towards success and contact us today!


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