Best infomercial Production Companies
Need world-class infomercial services? Then contact GoDRTV, one of the best infomercial companies in the US when it comes to the highest quality at the most affordable rates! GoDRTV works with startups, Ad Agencies and Forbes 500 brands. Clients include Disney, Nissan, Life Alert and many others. Since we keep most of our creative in-house, we deliver quality, faster turnaround and the lowest rates in the industry.
Did you know? Infomercials bring in an estimated $250 billion per year. A strong infomercial alone can pull in more than $40 million in sales. In just a few months!
Non-union production rates
Additionally, our infomercial team is non-union which means no residual fees! No need to dish out $4,000 for talent every 13 weeks. There are also no annual fees for music or stock images. You get a National Quality infomercial at 1/10th of the standard pricing. We charge you a FLAT RATE with no surprise fees and you own 100% of the infomercial in perpetuity.