What Makes Go DRTV a Great Agency?

There are so many Ad Agencies out there, content providers and production companies. How do you know which one is right for your business? It can be a difficult decision, and testing out each one to compare
performance can prove to be quite an expensive undertaking!

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Each agency has its own set of routines and priorities
and while I haven’t worked at every single one and
couldn’t tell you about them, I can however, speak
quite candidly about what makes Go DRTV above
all others in its approach with clients.

One word: Relationships.

There’s a great motto that seems to be consistently
used in conversations here and it’s “All business is
based on relationships.”

GO DRTV  creatives, account executives and producers
take ownership of all accounts that come through the door.
The line that divides the agency and the client disappears
and the moves and shakers at Go DRTV treat all accounts
as if they were their own.

ATTITUDE – How often have you heard Winston Churchill’s famous quote “Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference?” Aside from the work ethics, Go DRTV takes pride in having gathered a fun and friendly group of people that clients enjoy working with. No matter how talented a creative director is, at the end of the day if the client doesn’t enjoy working with him, it’s BAD NEWS.

When you keep your family happy, you allow the community to
marinate in a glow of joy. That’s a Go DRTV Environment, one that allows creativity to flourish. This here’s not just a company, it’s a way of life where we reward a job well done and create not only employees but long-term partners. Who is the direct beneficiary of this environment? You and the creative work reflects it every time.

Some Agencies may be interested in bigger budget productions
to increase the value of their portfolio or to opt for expensive special FX for simply self-indulgence, but Go DRTV creatives have honed their skills of waltzing that fine line between high-end content
and reasonable production budgets.

It’s important to keep clients in the loop (if they like that sorta thing!) from development to casting and post. And in this day and age, when it  has become so easy to exchange videos, artwork and text via email, why not involve the clients? They know the product best and their input is invaluable to the success of the campaign.

Do it right the first time every time. We have taken extra care in recruiting professionals with years of experience and trial and error under their belts. We are not here to take chance or experiment with new ideas, we brainstorm until we find that perfect pearl of an idea and we give it our best to bring it to life.

And the last quality that makes Go DRTV an Ace in the Hole…

Every time. No excuses, no ifs or buts. We have consistently kept our promises, come on budget, finished on time and have stood by our word to deliver the best creative for your company.


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