There’s a new term in the advertising industry that is taking over everyone’s marketing discussions by storm: Secondary Action Rate or in short SAR. Right next to CTR (Click-Through Rate), you will start seeing SAR (Secondary Action Rate), but what does SAR actually mean and why is it so important?
While a lot of campaigns may generate a ton of click-throughs a much better indicator of Mobile Marketing success is the Secondary Action Rate. By understanding how SAR works, you can become the new hero of your marketing departing and turn every campaign into a winning campaign by
shedding light on one of digital marketing’s blind spots: the connection
between digital ads and real-world behavior.
According to the Mobile Audience Insights Report, based on 1,535 randomly selected mobile users, plus billions of data points from client campaigns on its platform, SAR could result in a 80% jump in physical store visits.

So what exactly is Secondary Rate Actions?
SAR is a performance metric based on the percentage of ads that resulted in action beyond the initial CLICK. Since there is more engagement from the user, SAR is a better indicator of a user’s intent to purchase.
For example, if 20 people click on your Hair Growth Shampoo ad and 10 of them scroll through the information or click on Before/After images, then those 10 users would be more likely to purchase from you.
If you have the choice between CRT and SAR, our recommendation would be to concentrate on SAR since it is a much better indication of intent to purchase.

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