Video Production Company Tips: The Marketing Value of YouTube

To make the most of your brand and push your sales, you have to work with a video production company that understands the inherent value of advertising on YouTube. Partnering with a company that specializes in YouTube (YT) video production services is different because the platform is different. It’s a juggernaut. Every day, people share YT videos on Twitter, Facebook, and every other social media platform. Folks text videos to each other. They show their friends. Clearly, there’s potential there. You can’t say it’s untapped because plenty of businesses use it already. It’s the ideal place to launch a commercial—and it’s cheaper than traditional venues. There’s no need to buy airtime on YouTube, and people aren’t inclined to fast-forward past the videos on the platform, so let GoDRTV help you to realize the marketing value of YouTube!

Every Chance for Relevance

Marketing on YouTube is an affordable alternative to paying for airtime or a prime slot on television because you can theoretically film as many ads as you like. Team up with a video production company to design an entire series of commercials that you can launch on YT. The beauty of being able to produce more than one commercial is that each spot can be relevant to the viewers, so always consider your audience as you come up with ideas. You may have a product that appeals to a range of consumers, people of different age brackets, genders, and locations. Using YouTube as your production platform, you can craft ads aimed toward each demographic without busting your advertising budget.

Going Mobile

Responsive design is the touchstone of the best YouTube video production services. Mobile technology isn’t the future; it’s the present. People watch videos, movies, and television shows on their smartphones and other mobile devices. They watch advertisements and commercials on their phones and tablets, as well.

Making commercials with an eye toward mobile technology doesn’t just mean ensuring that they can buffer smoothly, however. In essence, these commercials are specifically for millennials and members of Gen Z. Even as you work with a production company to come up with a storyboard and a script, you again have to consider the audience.

YouTube commercials need to be short but on-point. They have to be clever but can’t come across as try-hard. The main aim is to go viral. It won’t always happen, of course, but it’s what you need to push for as you create, film, and edit the ad.

Sharing a Story

Any video production company worth its reputation understands the importance of telling an entire story over a span of commercials. Due to the ease with which you can publish videos on YT, storytelling is practically effortless. Tell the tale of your brand or product through a series of commercials. You can even have cliffhangers leading from one ad to the next. Produce something engaging and entertaining, and not only will your customers watch, but they will also share your advertisements. They’ll show their friends, fans, and followers just for the joy of sharing something that caused them to laugh, cry, or think.

Audiences connect with stories. They love characters and themes. They want to see something they empathize with or somehow recognize. Take advantage of that for the good of your brand.

Everything in Its Place

Rather than airing your commercial on a television channel, you can simply launch a YouTube channel for your brand. That’s part and parcel of the features offered by most YouTube video production services. Not only is there a place where you can upload all of your commercials, but you can use your YT page to boost your brand further. Design the page so that it includes your logo or mascot, any pertinent catchphrases, and other details that make your brand stand out. That requires savvy web design, but it’s worth the trouble.

Reaching Subscribers

A video production company that knows how to create and market YouTube videos understands the value of social networks, too. When you launch a commercial on TV, you have no way of knowing who’s watching. Folks might reach out to you, but you’re not connected to the viewers. Every YouTube channel has subscribers, however. That means that you can reach out to yours. Send them newsletters. Invite them to share their email addresses, follow you on different social media platforms, or voice their opinions about your brand, your products, and even your commercials. Reach out to form a connection and to listen. Customers who feel heard are always more loyal.

Creative Freedom

Commercials made solely for YouTube have more creative freedom than traditional television ads. You can be edgy, provocative, or even controversial, as long as it suits your brand. You don’t want to veer too far into left field because you have to consider the sensibilities of your viewers, but you’re not bound by the same rules as you are on TV. Never go overboard and don’t get crazy. Pay attention to your target market. Watch what they do on social media. What memes do they share? What posts do they enjoy? What makes them laugh?

YouTube is already well-known as a platform for entertainment. There are television shows created solely for the platform. Naturally, plenty of businesses understand that they can reach more people if they premiere their commercials on social media platforms. TV viewing isn’t what it once was. There’s no need to pay top dollar for a shot at a prime commercial slot. Take matters into your own hands, along with the help of a video production company that knows how to make commercials go viral. Would you rather show your commercial on television or on the Internet?


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