The psychology behind advertising

The psychology behind advertising

Advertising effectively is both easier and much more challenging today than it ever used to be in the past, and you really need to understand the psychology behind advertising to make the most of all the leverage new technology provides.

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You see, a lot of the old barriers of entry to advertising have fallen by the wayside and it’s also much easier to track key metrics to understand the effectiveness of your advertising. Online advertising is also considerably less expensive than traditional advertising ever was – giving you a lot of extra opportunity that never existed before.

At the same time, because it is so easy and inexpensive to advertise there is a flood of poor advertising slamming into the market each and every single day. Your market is going to be inundated with terrible advertising left and right, and you really need to create something effective and something special to stand apart from the crowd.

That’s where the psychology behind advertising comes into play and there are three major principles you’re going to want to make sure our fleshed out in each of your advertisements.

Social proof

Social proof is a powerful psychological driver of effective advertising today, and it’s easy to understand why. We humans evolved to trust in our tribe, to rely on the experiences of others to learn and inform, and to pay attention to those that have already gone through what we anticipate going through to help us better find our way.

Combine that with the fact there’s just too much to focus on to make all of our own decisions with our own in-depth research and reviews and it’s effortless to see why social proof is so powerful. Testimonials, case studies, and glowingly positive reviews all help to boost the social proof of your products and your services and make your advertising much more effective.


We human beings as a general rule are a pretty lazy bunch and aren’t going to be motivated to take any action whatsoever unless we absolutely have to.

By increasing the scarcity – real or implied scarcity, it makes no difference – of the products or services you have to offer you will be able to better motivate customers to take advantage of the offers you are presenting them right now and in this very minute.

No one likes to miss out on a hot deal they think won’t ever come their way again.

Risk reversal

At the end of the day, no one wants to take on any extra risk than absolutely necessary. Anything – ANYTHING – you can do to lessen the perceived risk of your prospects, your customers, and your clients is going to dramatically improve the effectiveness of your advertising and your marketing.

Do you need marketing for your Product?

If you are looking for a infomercial production company with a long track record of successful outings on Television, contact GoDRTV at 800.507.0159 or shoot us an email at info@GoDRTV.

Infomercial Production Services:

1. Infomercial Production
2. TV Commercial Production
3. Direct-response media buy
4. Outdoor Media
5. Corporate Video Production
6. Call Center
7. Studio


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