What Makes A Quality Direct Response Commercial Video Production

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You’re not just looking for a company that can record a video. Successful commercials require fleshed-out dialogue, the possibility of recurring characters, special effects that make sense, and the perfect soundtrack, and that’s just for starters. Consider why the most successful infomercials are memorable and try to incorporate the same details.

It’s All About the Strategy

Strategy is everything in commercial video production. That’s why production teams are there: to offer assistance, experience, and skill during your attempts to create a direct response marketing campaign. You don’t want a single one-and-done commercial. You need several ads spread over just as many mediums. A qualified company knows how vital it is to plot out a detailed outline. Together, you can come up with a multimedia campaign that includes infomercials, demos, and behind-the-scenes looks.

Pinpointing the Prospects

The most successful infomercials focus on your target market. While big name brands put out one-size-fits-all ads that are somewhat generic regarding tone and message, a direct response commercial gives you the opportunity to speak directly to your niche. As soon as they see your ad, they know that it’s meant for them.

That’s a difficult trick, and it’s not always something you can do on your own. There’s a balance to it because you never want your commercial to come off as condescending or humoring—humorous, yes, but you never want to humor your audience. They can tell.

Know your metrics when you come to a consultation, and give the production team all the information necessary for them to ferret out your prospective customers, as well. There are so many variables, including age range, viewing habits, and buying habits. The production members may even want to diversify different strategies for specific sub-groups to maximize the reach of your commercials.

Mixed Media for the Win

You may not want radio ads and things like that, but it never hurts to introduced mixed media into your direct response campaign. Using less expensive advertising outlets to supplement your commercials can save money while increasing your reach. Never underestimate the advertising potential of a funny tweet, a relevant meme, or an email newsletter. Even commercials are more accessible for possible conversions when they go viral on the Internet!

Using Versatile Creatives

Although this isn’t something that will show up in your commercial, every ad benefits from the hard work of skilled creatives busying themselves behind the scenes. The best commercial video production companies utilize the skill sets of everyone on the team. For you, that means benefiting from talented sound mixers, makeup and special effects artists, directors, producers, and actors. For that reason, always pay attention to bios as you choose a company. Read up on each team members to learn more about their experiences in the business.

The Theme’s the Thing

What else do the most successful infomercials have in common? They have a theme that connects them together. That’s why creating a full campaign is essential. Your theme can incorporate anything. You might turn your brand logo into a mascot. Each commercial might star the same person in a memorable role. Think about the Matchbox Man from the 1990s or the owl that entices us to eat Tootsie Pops. Mayhem has made insurance a fun topic, as has the GEICO gecko. A fun character, a catchy jingle, or an unforgettable motto will stick with viewers. It might reach a point where they seek out your commercials on TV and online just to have a laugh—or a cry, depending on the subject matter.

A Show-Stopping Opener

Every piece of memorable media begins with a bang. In an editorial, for example, the headlines and ledes grab attention first. In infomercials, you have the first few seconds in the opening scene to capture the audience and keep their attention. That’s what talented creatives know how to do, fortunately. The team you choose to work with can craft an opener powerful enough to hold someone’s attention even if they’re viewing your advertisement on DVR or before a Youtube video.

An Irresistible CTA

The ending is just as important as the beginning. Before your commercial finishes, it has to have a call-to-action, something urgent and engaging that compels the viewer to call or text that number, visit that website, or make that purchase. Professional commercial video production can finish up not just with a strong CTA, but also a variety of options for the consumer to access your product or service. Infomercials, in particular, are long enough to reveal every possible contact option.

Full Digital Integration

In today’s technology-driven times, you cannot put out a commercial without considering digital mediums. Responsive design is critical. People will watch your ad on their smartphones and tablets, not just their TVs or computer screens. Some folks might even watch shorter commercials on their smartwatches. Besides that, the production company you work with should be able to tailor videos for viewing on social media platforms. Sometimes, short and sweet is ideal. It’s also an excellent idea to skew toward viral content whenever possible.

You want to debut a commercial or infomercial that highlights all the best aspects of your product, service, or business, so work with a commercial video production team that respects your ideas and adds to them. If you could create any style of advertisement, what would it entail?


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